UPDF officers urged to prioritise resource management

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UPDF officers urged to prioritise resource management
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Lieutenant General Kayanja Muhanga, Commander of the Land Force, has emphasized the critical importance of resource management among UPDF officers.

Speaking at the handover ceremony for the Chief of Staff - Land Force at the Land Force Headquarters in Bombo, he underscored that effective resource management is essential for the UPDF to fulfill its constitutional mandate and mission.

The event marked the transition of office from Major General Jack Bakasumba, now Chief of Joint Staff (formerly Chief of Staff – Land Force), to Brigadier General Michael Kabango.

Lt Gen Muhanga highlighted the consequences of resource mismanagement, noting that it leads to command issues and disrupts daily army operations.

He warned that officers would be held accountable by both the leadership and Parliament, which allocates the resources.

Maj Gen Bakasumba expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve and acknowledged the support and guidance he received, stating, “I will indeed remain indebted for all the guidance and support rendered to me in the execution of my duties.”

Brig Gen Kabango thanked the UPDF leadership for their trust and acknowledged his predecessor's mentorship, committing to uphold the standards set.

The ceremony was attended by several senior officers, including Brig Gen Mwanje Ssekiranda (Chief of Staff – Reserve Force), Brig Gen Dr James Kiyengo (Director of Medical Services), Brig Gen Richard Karemire (Joint Staff Formal Education, Sports and Culture), and Brig Gen Metland Bitumbika (General Manager, Defence Forces Shop Uganda Limited).

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